Blurb writing for a personal development book

Enticing readers and standing out

Blurb for a personal development book


The client was an author looking to self-publish a personal development book called Five Ways To Focus.


Blurb writing services for a personal development book. The copy was also used as an Amazon product description.


The audience was people who wanted to focus on what matters in a world of 24/7 distractions.

Goals and challenges

The client wanted a blurb to entice readers to buy the book and read on to find out more. They wanted to highlight that this book is about being intentional with your focus and differentiate it from productivity books that focus on cramming more into less time.

How I helped

I crafted the blurb to lead with the benefits to the reader. It articulates the promise of change — a transformation from feeling overwhelmed to gaining clarity on what matters.

The copy includes testimonials to provide social proof and build trust. I infused the blurb with the brand voice to convey the uplifting style of the book.


Five Ways To Focus is 5-star rated on Amazon and has been featured in Psychologies magazine.

Find out more

Visit the On The Up Books website.

The blurb for Five Ways To Focus, available now.

Looking to capture readers’ attention?

I help you craft an enticing blurb that makes the reader excited to turn the page.

Get in touch to find out more about how I can help with my blurb writing services.


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